Car Brakes 101- Learn All you need to Know

Learn how important car brakes are for safely operate a car – here is all you need to know – Car Brakes 101.
How often do we give a thought to our car brakes? such important components of the 100’s that make up an automobile.
Have you ever considered how it works and the effects it has on your safety on the road?
We take off we, drive and have to STOP, sometimes in an emergency due to road hazards, ranging from inconsiderate road users, road works and emergency response vehicles etc.
So let’s take a look at what makes up the average car’s braking system and how it works (in simple terms.)

101-The Braking system is made up of a few main components.
- Master Cylinder
- Discs (Rotors) and Pads
- Drums, Shoes and Wheel Cylinders
- Hand Brake or Parking Brake (Emergency Brake)
- Brake Booster (Servo)
- ABS (Most Modern Cars)
Master Cylinder
This is a hydraulic car brake master cylinder, which takes brake fluid in from a reservoir mounted to it by applying pressure to your vehicle’s brake pedal.
The Master Cylinder pumps brake fluid into reinforced brake pipes which are attached to the front and rear brake component systems.
This pressure activates friction surfaced pads or shoes which in turn clamps down onto rotating car brake discs or drums (made of metal) forcing it to SLOW/STOP.
Discs (Rotors) and Pads

The front car brake system accounts for the main braking force on modern vehicles. Most modern vehicles incorporate a front brake disc (rotors) and disc pad system. It is used on the rear of most modern automobiles too.
The system is made up of 3 main components namely:
- 1 Brake Calliper
- 1 Brake disc (rotor) 1 per side
- 2 Per Side Disc Pads
How it works
When the brakes are applied, the pressure sent to the front by the brake master cylinder and into the Brake Caliper squeezes the two Brake Pads contained in the Brake Calliper together, onto the spinning Rotor to SLOW/STOP the Vehicle.
Brake Discs and Pad systems generate lots of heat (more than shoes and drum system). When a Brake Pad is heated by contact with a Rotor, it transfers small amounts of friction material onto the car’s rims, turning it dull grey. This is visible as brake dust on your car mags.
Brake Drums, Shoes and Wheel Cylinders
Most modern vehicles use brake discs (rotors) and pads at the rear also, but some SUV’s and most LDV’s ( Pickups) use a brake drum with brake shoes, system. Rear brakes account for much less of the vehicle’s brake force compared to the front brakes and generate less heat due to its design. The split could be as much as 30/70.

The rear brake system is made up of 3 main components namely:
- 2 Brake shoes per side, (leading and trailing)
- 1 Hydraulic rear wheel cylinder,
- 1 brake drum
How It Works
When the brakes are applied, the pressure sent to the rear by the master cylinder forces 2 pistons in the rear wheel cylinder to push out and activate the friction lined rear brake shoes which pushes against the brake drum to SLOW/STOP the vehicle.
The small amounts of friction material produced here are not seen as with disc pads and rotors, due to the friction material being much less and contained inside the brake drum.

Disc Brake Advantages
Disc brakes offer better-stopping performance than comparable drum brakes, including resistance to brake fade caused by the overheating of brake components, and can recover quickly from immersion (less effective when wet). Unlike a drum brake, the disc brake has no self-servo effect; the braking force is always proportional to the pressure placed on the braking pedal or lever.
Advantages Of Drum Brakes And Shoes

Drum brakes are used in most heavy-duty trucks, some medium and light-duty trucks, and few cars, drum brakes allow simple incorporation of a parking brake. Drum brakes are also occasionally fitted as the parking (and emergency) brake even when the rear wheels use disc brakes as the main brakes. The increased friction contact area of drum brake shoes on the drum allows drum brake shoes to last longer than disc brake pads.
Hand Brake Or Parking Brake (Emergency Brake)
The idea is that the system is fully mechanical and completely bypasses the hydraulic system so that the vehicle can be brought to a stop even if there is a total brake failure. Here the cable pulls on a lever mounted in the brake and is directly connected to the brake shoes. This has the effect of bypassing the wheel cylinder and controlling the brakes directly.

Brake Booster (Servo)

A component used on vehicles in its braking system, to assist the driver by decreasing the braking effort is called a vacuum servo
It is commonly called a brake booster, using vacuum from the engine intake to boost the force applied by the pedal on the master cylinder.
Brake boosters come in either a single diaphragm or tandem diaphragm (the latter is generally used in Trucks).
Without the engine running the brake pedal feels very hard with much less effective braking efficiency.
ABS (Most Modern Cars)

An anti-lock braking system or anti-skid braking system (ABS) is a vehicle safety system that allows the wheels on a motor vehicle to maintain traction with the road surface according to driver inputs while braking.
It prevents the wheels from locking up and avoiding uncontrolled skidding. ABS is an automated system that uses the principles of threshold and cadence braking, practised by skilful drivers with previous generation braking systems.
The Anti Lock Braking System (ABS) does this at a much faster rate and with better control than many drivers could manage.
ABS generally offers improved vehicle control and decreases stopping distances on dry and slippery surfaces, however on loose gravel or snow-covered surfaces, ABS can significantly increase braking distance, although still improving vehicle steering control.
Widespread use in modern cars led to ABS systems being greatly improved. Recent versions not only prevent wheel lock under braking but also electronically control the front-to-rear brake bias.
This function, depending on its specific capabilities and implementation, is known as electronic brake force distribution (EBD), traction control system, emergency brake assist, or electronic stability control (ESC).
These fancy terms I will explore with you in some follow-up posts in the future.
5 important characteristics of materials used in the manufacture of car brakes
- The material’s ability to resist brake fade at increased temperatures
- The effects of water on car brake fade
- The ability to recover quickly from either increased temperature or moisture
- Service life as traded off vs. wear to the discs (rotor) or drums.
- The ability of the material to provide smooth, even contact with the rotor or drum and not break off in bits or chunks.
In Closing

# Have the brakes of your car checked as regularly as every 6 months, by an Auto Mechanic.
Signs that you need your car brakes checked or repaired are:
- Grinding sound coming from the front or rear wheels while braking
- Shudder on the steering wheel at high-speed braking
- A pulsating sensation on the brake pedal when braking
- Vehicle veering to one side while braking
- Hard car brake pedal, reduced stopping power.
- Car brake pedal fading while idling at a stop
- Rapid loss of brake fluid
- Hand brake or Parking brake (Emergency Brake) ineffective, not holding.
- Fluid leaking from your vehicle’s wheels
Some car brake repair procedures are simple and straightforward enough.
In my opinion, it is a very important procedure which are best left to the skilled auto mechanic.
My aim with this post is to help you better understand how the brakes of your automobile works, I hope that I have succeeded.
What are your thoughts, was this post useful to you? leave comments below.
Until Next Time “Safe Motoring
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Definitely, a car should be subjected to an inspection on a daily basis and the inspection should be carried out by well trained and experienced professionals for better results. Besides, the appearance of unnatural signs which indicates that the vehicle has some sort of mechanical issues should not be ignored. The reason behind the appearance of such signs needs to be identified and repaired in time to keep the vehicle in working order. Lack of maintenance is solely responsible for the development of different types of mechanical abnormalities. So, a person should know some of basic car maintenance tricks in order to deal with such situations.
Hello Danny
Sorry for the delayed response, other duties had me tied up for a while, but I am back and pro active on my website, thanks for your insights, wiser words are rarely spoken as pertaining to the important’s of brake components and the people that are responsible for their maintenance.
Scheduled and timorous inspections should be carried out, as I do on my customer’s vehicles whenever it comes in for periodic maintenance, until later Danny, Safe Motoring.
Also visit my YouTube channel for loads of helpful videos,
Brake servicing is one of the key aftercare errands that an operative can’t ignore. Brake is an useful component which has a certain lifespan. Thus, it needs to be serviced on a regular basis and replaced timely in order to remain in the matchless order. Look- if the brake is unhealthy, then you can’t stop your vehicle when needed. It might cause a collision on an odd occasion. So, better you service the brake from time to time to avoid unwanted brake failures in the mid of nowhere.
Hello Broderick
Apologies for the delayed response, other pressing duties had me busy for a long while, but I am back and pro active on my website, yes agreed brakes are important and have to be maintained regularly, not only for our safety but the safety of our fellow road users, as you mentioned if we cannot stop in time to avoid a collision due to badly maintained brake components, then we have to accept that responsibility, thanks once again for your insights Broderick, and do not hesitate to visit my YouTube channel for useful repair and maintenance videos, Motoring
Information given in this article is very useful for newbies like me. The brakes are often ignored by many people is one of the important components of the vehicle which needs regular maintenance to work efficiently. The appearance of abnormal signs related to the braking system shouldn’t be ignored and the mechanical issues associated with it should be fixed in time to keep the braking system in working order. To know the reason behind the ineffective braking system, readers may like to visit
Hello Isla
I must apologies for the really late response, but other duties had me well tied up, thank you for your insights about the importance of a car’s braking system without proper maintenance our car’s are unsafe, feel free to visit my YouTube channel and see some useful videos on car repair and maintenance, Safe Motoring Isla
Thanks for describing the anatomy of the braking system of the vehicle. The brakes are important components of the vehicle. However, riding a vehicle with impaired brakes could cause an accident. So, inspection of different components of the braking system is really essential to identify and fix mechanical issues associated with the brakes. Ignoring such kinds of warning signs could have life-threatening consequences. Apart from this, suitable initiatives should be taken to prevent the premature damage of the car brake pads which should be replaced after an interval of about 25,000 miles.
Hello Zoey
I apologies for my awfully late response but duties had me busy beyond compare, thank you for your insights into the braking system of our cars, feel free to visit my YouTube channel to see some useful car repair and maintenance videos, Safe Motoring, Zoey
I am glad to visit such a nice blog about the vehicle maintenance. Vehicles are nothing but machines which needs regular maintenance to work efficiently. So, the condition of different components of the vehicle should be inspected at a regular interval to identify and repair any kind of abnormal components which could bring the vehicle to a halt. Brakes play a critical role in controlling the speed of the vehicle and driving a vehicle with abnormal braking could lead to an accident. So, one should address the mechanical errors associated with the braking system of the vehicle in time to prevent such kinds of accidents.
Hello Tammy
Thanks for your insights on car brakes and the maintenance thereof, it is my intention with these articles to keep the normal car user aware of the importance of car maintenance especially components as important as brakes, by doing this we not only keep safe, but save some money too, all the best to you going forward, Tammy.
I appreciate you for explaining that a grinding sound when braking means that there is a problem with the brakes already. This is a very timely information because I noticed this in my brother’s car when I borrowed it this morning. My car was used by my husband which is why I needed to borrow my brother’s car. Thanks for the information!
Thanks for visiting my website, I am happy the information is useful to you.
Different types of the sign given in this article are really helpful to identify abnormal components of the braking system and repair such components in time. Braking system plays a crucial role in the performance of the vehicle and it needs maintenance at a regular interval like other components of the vehicle. The appearance of any kind of abnormal sign while applying brake could be very dangerous. So, the source of the appearance of such a sign needs to be identified and repaired in time by an experienced technician to enhance the effectiveness of the braking system.
Hello Nora
Thank you for visiting my website and your wonderful insights, it helps to enhance our knowledge and importance of a car’s braking system.
All the best
Brakes are one of the important parts of vehicle. These are meant for safety of the vehicle. Brakes are used to slow or stop the moving vehicle. Modern cars have brakes on all the four wheels. They are generally operated by a hydraulic system. The brakes may be of disc type or drum type. Before leaving for a destination we must check the different parts of the vehicle along with the braking system. If you want to do any type of servicing of your car brakes, you may refer to:
Thank you for your insights as this post shows the importance of keeping our car brakes in good working order for safety reasons.
Wow! I had never visited such a nicely written article. It has almost every aspect of braking system of the vehicle. Some people underestimates the importance of regular maintenance of braking system. However, brake needs maintenance at a regular interval like other components of the vehicle for smoother and safer performance of the vehicle. Before leaving for a destination inspection of different components of the vehicle along with braking system is really essential. By doing so, we could identify faulty components and could repair such faulty components in time
Hello Daisy
I cannot agree more, brakes are important and regular checks/maintenance must be carried out, especially before embarking on extended driving trips when we are away from our regular service centers.
A stitch in time saves 9 as the saying goes.
Thanks for your visit and insights Daisy.
Brake is the important part of your car and if you have problem in your brake then you have to replace the brake part. There are different types of brake systems such as: electromagnetic brake system, frictional brake system, hydraulic brake system. Any one can get the best knowledge from your blog. And if you want any type of brake repair service then you can refer this:
Thanks for visiting Caleb, car brakes are very important and this post is intended to make my visitors more aware of it’s importance and how it works in general, thanks for your comments and input.
Safety becomes first priority when you are driving a car. There are so many chances for which your car may be going to face accidents with other substances. To over come this problem first you have to keep your brake system in well fictionalized. Sometimes in an emergency due to road hazard it badly impacts on the vehicle, here it a situation where brake is playing a major role by which you can get safe from major accident. If sudden time of action your car’s vehicle is not working properly it may be a big issue for you and also your car to face an accident, which leads to breakdown of the vehicle and your life will be in risk. So it is better to make repair or replacement of the brake at regular time interval by a skilled car mechanic. Thus he is being able to detect the worn part of the brake system and you can feel safety.
Hi Zahra
Thank you for the visit to my website and your insights into the efficiency and import ants of car brake condition, it is a known fact that many accidents occur due to bad brakes.
My article here covers most brake components, suggesting that so much can go wrong when it is not properly maintained and replaced timorously, it is important to be educated about the importance of the car braking system as a car user and/or owner, as many are not technically inclined to either be bothered with it or feel that it is not important, therefore I recommend regular checks, just as we would check on our own health.
I wish you well on the road ahead Zahra.
I don’t know what other car owners think, but I think the brake is one of the most cardinal safety features of the vehicle. It is a mechanical component that holds the motion back by consuming energy from a system in motion. Thus, it must be always kept in a peerless order in order to ensure your safety, the safety of the passengers in your vehicle as well as the safety of everyone on the road. Without proper maintenance, no one can keep the functionality of his vehicle’s braking system at an optimal condition. So, like other mechanical and electronic parts, it should also be checked on a regular basis either by own or by taking the help of a car professional in order to prevent road accident by stopping the vehicle at the same moment when it is required.
Hello Ethan
Thank you for your visit to my website, and I totally agree about the importance of our car braking systems, I just wish many more car users would adopt your mindset concerning car brakes as it would drastically decrease the amount of car accidents out there.
I wish you well with your future and thanks.
Thanks for providing the complete information about the car brakes. I believe it’s the most important part of our car as it saves our life and the life of other commuters on the road. Without car brakes, we can’t think of start our vehicle. So, car owners should be aware about it and know the symptoms of a failing braking system. If the braking system is not in the right order, car owners should take it to a professional mechanic immediately. Procrastinating in this sensitive vehicle issue would not do us any good. But, make sure you have chosen a certified automotive professional who have years of experience and the required skills to accomplish that task successfully.
Hello Diana
Thank you for visiting my website, and your insights concerning the braking system and the added safety that a well maintained braking system provide,
I agree that a professionally, trained and experienced mechanic is the best way to go, when needing the braking system repaired,
Although there are some, simple procedures that can be performed by a practically minded persons, such as periodically checking the brake fluid level, and replacing brake disc pads, given the correct instruction and guidance,
More complex repairs such as booster, master cylinder and ABS repairs etc. should be left to the professional.
Allthe best Diana
thanks for your blogs this it great post, may i to ask like where you discuss this topic to make it more interesting?
Hi Akbar
Thank you for taking the time to visit my website, I really do appreciate it very much.
Any suggestions on the topic you raised will be most welcome, as you may have noticed,
this is a fairly new website and I am willing to learning all the time.
I am open to reasonable suggestions and comments are most welcome.
Thank you again, All the best to you.