Endorsements:- Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs.com
Price:- $16.33
The importance of flushing an engine cannot be overstated, as the buildup of contaminants in the engine oil starts immediately after changing engine oil,
It continues until the next oil change. During this period contaminants build up in the oil and are trapped there until it is removed by changing the oil yet again. In today’s performance age, we tend to overextend our car’s service periods and recommended mileage.
It is not enough to just change the oil, it is necessary to remove the build-up of these contaminants we call sludge, varnish and carbon deposits. Enter Spanjaard Engine Flush. Formulated to remove these contaminant build-ups and to prepare the engine for the clean oil.
A preventative maintenance procedure.
Easy application.
Increases engine compression.
Modern formula loosens sticky oil and compression rings.
Contains a combination of powerful additives that remove harmful lacquer and sludge deposits.
Effectively maintaining the cleanliness of PCV systems, its efficient functioning is important to upper-cylinder lubrication.
Treats up to 5L of oil.
Used in both Petrol and Diesel engines.
It is not advisable to flush an engine with high mileage if it has not been flushed before.
An engine with low oil level cannot be flushed unless the oil level is filled to its, correct level.
Cannot be added to a cold engine.
Some Auto Spare Shops do not stock Spanjaard.
Final Opinion
I have been using Spanjaard for more than 8 years now and conducted many tests and experiments with plenty of favourable results, it has become my prefered engine flush and I endorse it fully.
My Personal Experience with the product
I owned an old 1992 Opel Kadett Cub 1.3, it had average mileage than most similar cars of that age, I decided to do a little product testing with Spanjaard engine flush, and what better car to use than my own vehicle.
I warmed the car to operating temperature, took a compression test of all 4 cylinders, added 375ml of Spanjaard engine flush and ran it for 15 minutes.
I proceeded to change the engine oil and oil filter, where after I performed another compression test, to my delight the compression increased from approx. 850 to 1125 kpa, an increase of approx, 275 kpa average in the vehicle’s 4 cylinders, this impressed the hell out of me and those witnessing this simple experiment.
Needless to say, I was convinced, Spanjaard engine flush is used by me since.
I have been 30+ years in the motor industry, still hands on, and have great passion for my chosen profession, I learn new things each day and believe that "if you enjoy your work, you never have to work a day in your life"I believe in honesty, integrity and helping where help is needed.